Lateral epicondylitis also known as tennis elbow happens when a person\’s forearm tendons are strained. Tennis elbow is typically treated effectively with rest and over-the-counter medicines. Daily workouts can also aid in the relief of pain and the prevention of recurrence.
Eight exercises are described to strengthen forearm muscles and avoid tennis elbow from returning. We also go through the reasons and symptoms, at-home elbow pain treatment, preventative measures, and when to seek medical help.
Wait for any inflammation to subside before attempting these workouts. Consult a pain management doctor or a specialist before doing anything would be highly recommended.
8 Exercises for Easing Elbow Pain
Wrist turn
- To start this exercise, bend the elbow at a right angle
- Facing the palms upwards, extend the arm
- Now slowly twist the wrist until the palm face down
- Stay on to this position for five seconds
- Repeat for 9 more times

Turning Wrist with Weight
This exercise resembles the first exercise with the addition that a person has to hold on to a lightweight while performing the exercise. If, at any point, the elbow pain treatment causes unbearable pain, call a pain management doctor for consultation.
Palm Up Wrist Life
- Bend the elbow at the right angle while gripping a light dumbbell
- Facing the palms up, extend your hand out
- Now bend the wrist up, reaching towards the body
- Stay On to this position for 5 seconds and then slowly release
- Repeat 9 times
Squeeze Your Fist
- Use a rolled-up towel, socks, or maybe a tennis ball in your palm to perform the first squeeze.
- Form a fist with your fingers around the ball or towel.
- 10 seconds of hard squeezing
- Repeat nine times more.
Twist the Towel
To do the towel twist, follow these steps:
- Holding one hand at each end, grasp a lightly rolled-up towel lengthwise
- maintain a relaxed posture
- As if wringing out water, twist the towel by moving the hands in different directions.
- Repeat nine times more.
- Then twist the cloth ten more times in the opposite direction.
Extensor Flexor
To do a wrist extensor flex, follow these steps
- Lift your arm straight in front of you.
- Bend the wrist upwards with the palm directly facing.
- Bring the fingers back towards the body with the other hand.
- For a period of 15 to 30 seconds, stay in this position.
- straighten your wrist once more,
- repeat two more times
- continue with two additional sets of three repetitions
Bending the Elbows
- Maintain a straight posture
- Lower one end of the arm
- Bend the arm gradually upwards till the hand reaches the shoulder.
- Stay in this position for 30 seconds
- Repeat nine times more.
Stretch Your Wrist Extensors
- Straighten your arm in front of you.
- Slowly bend the wrist downwards with the palm facing down.
- Pull the stretched hand back towards the body with the other hand.
- For 15 to 30 seconds, stay in this position.
- Straighten your wrist once more
- Repeat two more times
- Continue with two more sets of three repetitions.
Causes and Symptoms
Tennis elbow is a disorder that affects the muscles and tendons necessary to grip a tennis racket. On the other hand, the majority of tennis elbow cases are not caused by playing tennis or indeed any sport. This strain can be caused by any action that requires gripping and twisting. The tennis elbow is most commonly caused by repetitive motion. Carpenters, painters, and plumbers are among the most vulnerable. You don\’t necessarily need elbow pain treatment, but visit a pain management doctor if symptoms do not go away.

Elbow Pain Treatment at Home
Tennis elbow usually does not necessitate a visit to a Manchester pain clinic. The pain usually subsides within two weeks of discontinuing the repetitive exercise and resting the arm.
Tennis elbow can be treated at home by:
- Using a cold pack on the area where elbow pain treatment is required
- To avoid recurrence, you should learn how to safeguard your joints.
There\’s nothing like elbow pain treatment at home other than rest and an ice pack.
How to Prevention Tennis Elbow
To reduce the inflammation, try using ice or a cold pack. Do not perform any repetitive activities and rest the arm as much as possible. However, if resting is not an option, make sure your arm movements are adjusted to make the pain easier to manage.
Tennis elbow exercises help to make the forearm muscles stronger, thereby, enhancing its function. These exercises should be done by those whose employment needs them to move their forearms repeatedly to avoid tennis elbow from returning.
Always seek medical advice before doing tennis elbow workouts at home. A doctor can ensure that the activities do not aggravate any underlying illnesses or injuries. If performing exercise on the forearms aggravates tennis elbow symptoms, a person can try:
- Allowing the arm to rest for a more extended period
- To minimise inflammation, apply an ice pack to the arm
When to see a Pain Management Doctor
As already mentioned, you don\’t need elbow pain treatments, resting should make the pain manageable, and it will go on its own with time. However, if it does not, and it\’s been over 2-weeks, we would suggest making an appointment with your pain management doctor without wasting any time.
Your pain management doctor will most likely put you on NSAIDs to reduce the inflammation as it\’s the first line of treatment for elbow pain. However, one dose of steroid injection will help, along with a 3-week resting period. Some people notice an increase in pain after an injection, but it should settle within 48-hours.
If the tennis elbow makes daily life activities difficult, you need to consider a professional elbow pain treatment.
About Orthoremedy
Orthocure is a specialist clinic consisting of all types of pain management doctors. We deal with elbow pain treatment and other types of chronic pain treatments. Visit our clinic now to get rid of chronic pain and get back to enjoying your life.
Call us now to book an appointment with our pain management doctor today.