Frequently Asked Questions

You are right the effectiveness depends on the severity of the osteoarthritis and after looking at the x-rays or the report, the doctor can guide you on the effectiveness.

But according to our results, even with the severe OA the success rate is around 80%.





We don’t need MRI just X-rays or x-rays reports will suffice. To diagnose osteoarthritis main investigation needed is x-rays but if there is a ligament or tendon problem then you need MRI.

Dr Azhar or Dr Surya are our two Orthopaedic Consultants who will do the consultation. Our preference is to do face2face consultation but if you live far away  then we can do telephonic/video consultation with you as well.

Our treatment is quite extensive. It involves four injections in total. The injections are given with two weeks apart, the total treatment is consists of 8 weeks. The first three injections are PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections and the last injection is a combination of SVF+BMAC.There are two sources of stem cells. One is Adipose tissue (Stromal Vascular Fraction: SVF) and the other is Bone Marrow concentrate (Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate: BMAC).

We combine SVF+BMAC to give better results. We are the only clinic in the whole UK, which offer this treatment.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is extracted from your own blood. The blood is taken in special tubes and then centrifuged in a machine, which give us PRP.

Fat or adipose tissue, which in medical term is called Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) is extracted from your tummy fat. The bone marrow (Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate: BMAC) is taken from the back of pelvic bone.

Yes, all injections are injected under ultrasound guidance and complete aseptic conditions.

Yes, some patients can have some inflammatory reaction after injections which can last 2-3 days. But usually, it resolves with rest, Ice and paracetamol.

We will give you detailed instructions pre and post-procedure if you go ahead with the treatment

Thank God, so far, we haven’t had any adverse effects but in case this happens, if patients live local, we see them straightway face to face or video consultation. If anything is needed urgently, we will coordinate with your GP.

Yes definitely.

After every injection, you get a follow up telephone call and then 6 weeks after the final treatment.

A final telephonic follow up after 6 months and one year.

We also give leaflets for home physiotherapy. We can also arrange physiotherapy in your local area but you need to pay for them yourself.

We usually wait for a year for the treatment to work and it works well. If not then we can repeat the treatment after a year.

PRP is to reduce the inflammation for the final treatment to be more effective.

But some people go for the VSF+BMAC without PRP.

The total timescale for the full set of treatments is 2-8 weeks according to the condition.

The total timescale for the full set of treatments is 2-8 weeks according to the condition.

We don’t give HA. We don’t check Anemia as we don’t need this for our treatment.

Regenerative medicine is a relatively new scientific area that focuses on the repair and regeneration of injured or degenerative tissue via the use of your body’s healing processes and stem cells. The procedure of replacing, altering, or regenerating human cells, tissues, or organs to restore or rebuild normal function is referred to as regenerative medicine. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. The most well-known strategy is the use of stem cells. Doctors, for instance, can employ stem cells to rebuild kidney tissue to prevent a kidney transplant.


While surgery may be a good choice for some advanced or severe conditions, this is not always the case. When opposed to surgery, which entails hazards such as anaesthesia, blood loss, and scar tissue development, regenerative therapies are considered low risk. Furthermore, operations in which tissue is cut have the additional risk of losing tissue that is generally used to maintain and support a joint or spine. If it is feasible to treat or correct an injury without surgery, such choices should always be prioritised. 

Regenerative treatments aid in promoting and activating your body’s intrinsic healing potential. If you are still in pain after the usual healing time for an injury, you might be a fit for Regenerative treatment. According to research, regenerative treatments work best when administered 3 to 6 months following an acute injury. Regenerative treatments can also assist with mild to severe degenerative disorders such as degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis. If you’ve been receiving steroid shots that help but only provide temporary relief, you might be a candidate for regenerative treatment. To learn more about your specific problem, you may need to speak with our physician.

There is a risk of bleeding, discomfort, tissue damage, and no response to therapy, as with any injectable treatment. The inherent hazards of regenerative therapies are fewer than those of steroid injections and surgery due to the low-risk aspect of employing your own cells for regeneration. We reduce these hazards by following standard cleanliness and safety measures. Furthermore, by employing imaging guidance during all treatments, we reduce the possibility of tissue harm. 

Stem cells are what our bodies use to develop and mend themselves. In healthy persons, stem cells constantly replace dead cells that have worn out, such as skin injured by a burn. The potential to divide and generate precise duplicates of itself is the main trait that distinguishes a cell as a stem cell. This is referred to as self-renewal. In addition, the capacity to transform into specialised cells as needed. This is referred to as differentiation. A cell that lacks both of these capabilities is not a stem cell. 

No, stem cells taken from various locations have somewhat varied properties. Following are some examples: 

When an embryo is at its early stage known as a blastocyst, embryonic stem cells (also known as ES cells or ESCs) are extracted. The cells are extracted and cultured in a laboratory. These stem cells are contentious since the collection method harms the embryo. However, the embryos utilised are often formed due to the in vitro fertilisation technique and are hence inappropriate for human implants. ESCs are pluripotent, which means they may develop into any type of specialised cell. 

Adult stem cells (also known as tissue cells or somatic cells) are extracted from bone marrow and blood. Umbilical cord blood is also frequently extracted and preserved. They have the potential to transform into many other types of cells, but not all of them; they are multipotent, not pluripotent. Furthermore, there is a lot of research/investigation being done with adult stem cells since they have significantly fewer ethical issues than ESCs. 

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells or iPSCs) are differentiated cells, such as skin or fatty cells, extracted and transformed to become stem cells in the laboratory. As the name implies, they may be developed and differentiated into any cell. Although there are fewer ethical concerns with iPSCs than with ESCs, researchers still have certain things to consider.

Regenerative therapy works best when a condition is caused by a defective cell type. Neurodegenerative illnesses such as Parkinson’s, eye diseases such as macular degeneration, organ problems such as diabetes or liver cirrhosis, and joint and back ailments have all been cured or explored. 

There are several medications that promote regeneration in our bodies, each of which works uniquely. Some medications are biologically or artificially generated growth factors that accelerate the development of specific cells, such as those used to treat sports injuries when administered to a specific target. Other medications may stimulate the flow of stem cells from the bone marrow or blood to the injured area to mend the injury. 

Treatment can regenerate cartilage or injured tendon tissue in many patients. That may not happen in more seriously damaged circumstances, or it may take many procedures to see improvement. It is important to note that pain alleviation and functional enhancement can still happen even when tissue does not regenerate or replace itself.

So far, there have been no cases of autologous mesenchymal stem cells (stem cells that originate from you) producing cancer/tumours in the medical journals. Obtaining cells from another person or embryo and inserting them into someone else carries that danger, which is not what we do at our facility. In the medical literature from many various medical institutes and specialists around the globe, there are no documented pro-cancer consequences of autologous stem cell therapy.

So far, there have been no cases of autologous mesenchymal stem cells (stem cells that originate from you) producing cancer/tumours in the medical journals. Obtaining cells from another person or embryo and inserting them into someone else carries that danger, which is not what we do at our facility. In the medical literature from many various medical institutes and specialists around the globe, there are no documented pro-cancer consequences of autologous stem cell therapy.

These therapies do not produce quick results because mending takes weeks to months. If you have an acute injury, you will notice improvement over the course of many weeks. For recurring injuries and pain, we anticipate improvement over months. With PRP, we re-evaluate two months after therapy. Over the course of 3-6 months, you should expect to see improvements after stem cell therapy. The number of treatments required to repair or manage your disease is also determined by the severity and length of your ailment. During your examination with a specialist, we may discuss if you are a good candidate for this therapy and how many treatment sessions you should plan for your illness.

Possibly. It varies and depends on the type of surgery you’ve undergone. We regularly meet patients who have undergone prior surgery and have seen their condition worsen over time. Many of these folks are still eligible for therapy. If you have undergone a total joint replacement and are still experiencing pain, you may be a fit for Radiofrequency nerve ablation. Furthermore, your pain generators may be located in a different region than your replacement joint.

There is increasing evidence to support the use of regenerative therapy to rebuild and heal degenerative disc illness of the spine naturally, the degenerative joint ailment of the knee, hip, or shoulder, osteoarthritis, meniscus tears, rotator cuff injuries, chronic tendon injuries, sacroiliac (SI) joint pain, and other conditions.

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