Shoulder Pain Relief & Treatment Options

The shoulder joints are made of your upper arm bone, your shoulder blades, and the collarbone. Each of your shoulders is cupped by four muscles and tendons, known as the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is responsible for covering and providing protection to the upper arm bone and allows the movement of the arm.

There are different causes that might lead to shoulder pain. The problem can arise either from a fall or an injury or probably a poor posture at your work. Sometimes arthritis can start shoulder pain. Either way, there are shoulder pain treatment options available depending on what started the pain anyway.

How to Cure Shoulder Pain Relief?

The most common joint to get dislocated is the shoulder joint. Add to that, the repeated use of shoulders can further cause wear and tears. Before you visit a doctor for shoulder pain treatment, ask yourself;

  1. Does your Shoulder feel stiff when motion is applied?
  2. Do you feel your Shoulder is about to pop out of its socket?
  3. Can you pick normal things without any problem?

A few days\’ rest is enough for normal shoulder pain relief. Try to minimize the movement as much as possible. Elevating the Shoulder above the heart is an ideal position. 

However, if things do not normalize within a few days, and you can relate to the signs mentioned below, then it\’s time to visit a professional doctor for shoulder pain treatment.

  1. All types of movement are impossible
  2. Your Shoulder appears deformed
  3. Swelling of the shoulders
  4. You feel numb/weak in the arms or hands, and
  5. The pain is sharp and intense.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

When you visit a doctor for shoulder pain treatment, they will diagnose the reason/cause of the pain. With proper diagnosis, treatment becomes easier.

  1. Separation-

    Separation happens when the joint (that meets the shoulder blade and collarbone) is separated. Commonly called acromioclavicular joint. The main causes of separation are; a hard blow or falls that wears the ligaments away that are responsible for holding the joint together. You can identify the separation of the joint if you can find a bump on top of your Shoulder.

  2. Dislocation-

    rotating the Shoulder too much or pulling it back can result in dislocation of the shoulders. When dislocated, your arm pops out of the socket, and intense pain and weakness follow. Other symptoms to look out for; are numbness, swelling, and bruising.

  3. Fracture-

    shoulder fractures are a result of hard falls/hits where a bone, most commonly that of the upper arm and collarbone, breaks or cracks. Fractures are quite painful, and shoulder pain treatment varies depending on the amount of damage done. In the worst-case scenario, your Shoulder can fall, making it difficult for you to raise your arm.

  4. Cartilage Tear-

    can occur when the rubber padding or the cartilage goes around the edge of your shoulder joint. This happens after the same vigorous movement. Cartilage tears are common, and your Shoulder needs to absorb enough force to start the tear. Some common symptoms include pain when trying to reach above the head and weakness of the Shoulder. 

  5. Rotator Cuff Tear-

    rotator cuffs are responsible for holding the arm in its position, allowing you to lift your arm. These tears are possible when you damage or overuse the shoulders. Rotator cuff tears also wear with age. Common symptoms include difficulty in lifting things or shoulder pain that is intense at night.

  6. Frozen Shoulder-

    Frozen Shoulder usually limits the movement of the joint. It happens when abnormal bands/ adhesions of tissue are built up in the joints, making it difficult for the joints to move freely.

Some other possible reasons why shoulder pain should not be ignored

  1. Osteoarthritis- also known as degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It can occur in any joint, including the shoulders. The cartilage that is in between the bones will break and rub together, resulting in stiffness and pain.
  2. Referred Pain- shoulder pain at times can result from issues with your liver, gall bladder, or some other organ.
  3. Heart attack- shoulder pain & trouble breathing can be a sign of a heart attack, especially when and if your chest feels tight.
  4. Tendinitis- is the inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons. Tendinitis does not occur immediately; it happens slowly over some time or might happen due to an accidental fall or a direct blow to the Shoulder.
Digital composite of highlighted shoulder pain of man against white background

Diagnosis of Shoulder Pain?

An initial diagnosis to find shoulder pain relief consists of a physical examination to rule out structural problems, or anything related to neck or spine

After that is ruled out, the doctor will perform some tests to check your motion range to check the flexibility of your shoulders. 

Probably some doctors will ask for-

  • X-rays- to look out for bone spurs, arthritis, or other bone-related problems.
  • MRI- to get detailed shoulder images
  • CT scan- a series of X-rays are done from different angles to find the cause of the shoulder pain. 

Home Remedies for Shoulder Pain Relief

Common shoulder pain caused by dislocations & separations cannot be treated at home without professional assistance. Your doctor will help you get the Shoulder back to where it belongs. But, other shoulder pain caused by poor posture, etc., can be easily treated at home.

All you need to do is have bed rest, apply warm and cold compress at intervals, and take over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen for pain and reducing the swelling. If, after following these steps, you don\’t find shoulder pain relief, visit your nearest doctor immediately. 

Your shoulder pain doctor might inject a corticosteroid to reduce the inflammation straight into the causing joint problem.

Note that at times rotator cuff tears, frozen shoulders, and cartilage tears may require possible surgery if medications are not working.

Your shoulder pain treatment plan varies, depending on the cause of the pain. Try some exercises and stretch your shoulders at first; if nothing helps, it\’s time for a professional\’s eye to diagnose the problem.

If nothing seems to be working for you, visit our clinic. We might be able to offer some shoulder pain treatment after an initial screening. Remember, we are your pain management doctors. Our staff are trained to fix your problems. Get in contact with us now!

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