Shoulder Pain Treatment - Get Relief From Shoulder Pain and Live A Better Life
Ortho Remedy offers minimally invasive regenerative therapy to cure your shoulder pain without the possibility of failure because our shoulder pain treatment uses cells from your bloodstream.
Treat And Manage Shoulder Pain Without Surgery
Do you believe that the only choices for your persistent shoulder discomfort are shoulder surgery or steroid injections? Typically, surgeries are invasive and uncomfortable. Likewise, steroid shots may have adverse effects if used over an extended period. To everybody’s relief, Ortho Remedy offers minimally invasive regenerative therapy and shoulder pain treatment to cure your shoulder pain without the possibility of failure because the treatment uses cells from your bloodstream.
What Is It?
The shoulder has a broad and adaptable range of motion. Whenever something terrible happens with your shoulder, it restricts your capability to move quickly and can cause significant pain and distress. The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint with three major bones: the humerus (long arm bone), the clavicle (collarbone), and the scapula (shoulder blade) (also regarded as the shoulder blade).
A layer of cartilage protects these bones. There are two major joints in our shoulder. The acromioclavicular joint is located between the scapula’s highest point and the clavicle. The glenohumeral joint is formed by the upper, ball-shaped section of the humerus bone and the scapula’s outer border. This joint is also referred to as the shoulder joint.
The shoulder joint is the body’s most movable joint. It causes the shoulder to move forward and backward. It also enables the arm to swing in a circular manner and up and away from the torso. The rotator cuff offers a range of motion to the shoulders. Four tendons make up the rotator cuff. Tendons are the connective tissue that connects/links muscles to bone. Lifting your arm above your head may be unpleasant or challenging if the tendons or bones surrounding the rotator cuff are injured or inflamed. As you become older, your chances of having shoulder difficulties increase, especially around the age of 60. This is because the soft tissues around the shoulder degrade with age.
What Causes It?
An injury can cause shoulder discomfort to any portion of the shoulder or by chronic illnesses that produce degeneration in the shoulder. Shoulder discomfort can be caused by a variety of conditions, including:
Shoulder arthritis
Shoulder impingement/bursitis
Shoulder Labrum Tear
Rotator cuff tears
Frozen shoulder
Shoulder arthritis is an inflammation of the shoulder joints that produces pain and stiffness. Shoulder arthritis can be excruciatingly painful, making movement more challenging. Shoulder arthritis signs include:
- Shoulder tightness that makes it difficult to walk or bend over
- When you move your shoulder, you may hear locking, sticking, or grinding sounds (crepitus).
- Your shoulder has a restricted range of motion.
While surgery may be required for some patients with shoulder arthritis, we provide various non-surgical therapies that can assist. Medication to address the underlying issue, physical therapy to reduce discomfort and enhance your shoulder’s strength and flexibility, and lifestyle adjustments are all possibilities.
Shoulder bursitis is an inflammatory condition that causes discomfort in the bursae surrounding your shoulder. It is most often caused by repetitive usage and overstraining the regions surrounding your shoulder joints. Direct trauma (such as falling and landing on your shoulder) or infection can also cause it. Bursitis produces the following symptoms:
- Shoulder joint achiness or stiffness (s)
- Shoulder joints that hurt when squeezed
- Redness or inflammation in your shoulder joints
- Restricted shoulder movement
Because most occurrences of shoulder bursitis resolve on their own, they are routinely managed without surgery. Bursitis is commonly treated with physical therapy and our regenerative shoulder pain treatment. It can help you increase your shoulder’s strength and flexibility, mobility, and endurance.
The labrum is a cup-shaped ring of cartilage that surrounds and strengthens the shoulder’s ball-and-socket joint. The shoulder joint is made up of the glenoid (the shallow shoulder “socket”) and the humerus (the upper arm bone’s head) (the “ball”). The labrum serves as a connection point for the shoulder ligaments and sustains the ball-and-socket joint and the rotator cuff fibers and muscles. It helps stabilize the shoulder and, if damaged, can cause partial or full shoulder dislocation. Shoulder pain, unrest, and, in some instances, a sensation of grinding, locking, or hooking while shifting the shoulder are the most prevalent signs of a damaged shoulder labrum. Based on the kind of labral tear, these signs may differ.
Rotator cuff injuries are particularly common in those who execute repetitive overhead movements for a living or as part of their employment, such as painters, builders, and tennis players. They are also more frequent in the elderly and those with a family history of rotator cuff problems. A rotator cuff injury can cause the following symptoms:
- A dull cramp deep in the shoulder
- Sleep disturbance if you sleep on the injured shoulder
- Trouble reaching behind your back
- Weakness in the arms
- Shoulder mobility issues
Rotator cuff injuries, if left untreated, can result in permanent loss of motion or stiffness in your shoulder, as well as degeneration of the shoulder joint. Rotator cuff injuries can cure on their own with resting and physical treatment from us. Our shoulder pain relief specialist in Manchester can assist in restoring muscular strength, functional mobility, and coordination while also assisting in the management of pain.
Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, is characterized by shoulder joint stiffness and discomfort. It is more common in patients healing from a health condition that prohibits them from extending their arms, such as a stroke or surgery. It starts slowly and intensifies with time. Frozen shoulder develops when the connective tissue in your shoulder joint thickens. It’s more prevalent among people who are elderly, have certain chronic disorders or have restricted flexibility.
The majority of frozen shoulders resolve on their own and can be managed with a non-surgical shoulder pain treatment Manchester UK and management approach. Physical therapy and regenerative treatments can aid in the recovery of people suffering from frozen shoulders.
Finding the right solutions and treatment!
We believe in treating our patients with utmost care and respect. We give you the aptest and beneficial treatments without compromising on anything.
Regenerative Shoulder Pain Treatment To Enhance Mobility And Strength
Shoulder discomfort might impair your ability to move and perform daily tasks. If you have a shoulder condition that causes discomfort or limits your mobility, you know how difficult it may be to do activities like wash your hair, play catch with your puppy, or grab for something in a cupboard. Walking may also cause shoulder pain. A variety of disorders can cause shoulder discomfort.
The best part is that non-surgical and regenerative shoulder pain treatments Manchester UK are available that can help relieve discomfort and increase shoulder mobility. Our shoulder experts and orthopedic surgeons can assist you in determining the source of your shoulder pain. Once a reason has been identified, we provide a variety of therapy choices and can assist you in developing a personalized treatment plan. Contact us today or visit our Ortho Remedy website to know more about us.
Book Your Consultation.
You are one step away from getting the best non-surgical treatments at Ortho Remedy!
Benefits Of Shoulder Pain Treatment
Regenerative Shoulder pain treatments can help reduce swelling, discomfort and main source of pain in different shoulder conditions. Some benefits of regenerative shoulder pain treatment are
- Shoulder Bone strengthening
- Enhanced shoulder flexibility
- Improved shoulder mobility
- No side effects
- Long term shoulder pain results
- Natural way of heeling
- Fast recovery
- Avoid or delay surgery
- No need of heavy medication
- Rebuild Healthy tissues
- Get back to activities way faster
- No chance of rejection
- No possibility of disease transmission
Contact Us Today To Make An Appointment
Patients who do not respond to standard pharmacological treatment, desire to lessen their dependency on medication, or are seeking for safe shoulder replacement options may benefit from Regenerative Therapy for shoulder Pain. Make an appointment with us today.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
Shoulder discomfort, one of the most prevalent orthopedic diseases, is caused by injury to one or more of the shoulder’s parts, including the bones, muscles, tissues, and ligaments. Because this injury can be triggered by illness, chronic usage, or an acute accident, shoulder discomfort can emerge suddenly or progressively over time. Soft tissue injuries, such as tendinitis or rotator cuff tears, are common, but the three primary bones of the shoulder—the humerus, scapula, and clavicle—can also be affected by overuse or accident.
The simplest method to cure shoulder discomfort is to avoid it in the first place. Aside from acute injury, the most prevalent causes of shoulder discomfort are repeated motion and postural problems. Swimming, ping pong, and baseball all involve a lot of repeated overhead motion, so if you like some or all of these sports, it is a good idea to start a shoulder strength and endurance program to help avoid damage. Furthermore, being aware of your posture throughout the day, both during exercise and at rest, can assist ensure that you are not putting unnecessary strain on the shoulder owing to dislocation of the bones and soft tissues.
An orthopedic surgeon can determine the source of shoulder discomfort in various methods. A physical evaluation of the joint is the most accurate and consistent procedure. An orthopedic surgeon will obtain a complete individual and family medical history during this evaluation, as well as maneuver your shoulder to check its mobility, strength, and durability. If more investigation is required after the physical examination, your doctor will prescribe any necessary screening procedures, such as x-rays, an MRI, a CT scan, or a diagnostic ultrasound.
A lot of research in regenerative medicine has been published, revealing beneficial results from regenerative treatments. For more than five years, regenerative treatments have been used in clinical practice to treat degenerative knees, hips, shoulders, and other joints, with outstanding outcomes. Patients report a significant reduction in discomfort and an increase in cartilage quality. Several well-founded clinical studies on Regenerative therapy for shoulder pain and for managing and treating chronic pain have been done. Regenerative treatments have shown to be a safe and efficient way of treating various illnesses. These medicines enable the body to mend and rejuvenate in unthinkable ways. Regenerative technology offers a natural alternative to potentially dangerous and intrusive medications and operations.
Get in Touch
Imagine the possibility where you don’t need pain medication or the need for a medical operation can be sustained or eliminated. There are now therapies available that may increase your body’s natural ability to repair thanks to modern regenerative medicine technology. If you want to learn more about it, please contact us right now.