Do You Have a Sudden Ankle Pain That Comes and Goes?

The foot and the ankle joint play a major role in weight-bearing. Providing support and allowing mobility are the main functions of the ankle joint. To fulfill these roles, a complex system of ligaments, muscles, and tendons is in place. The pain in your ankle or foot can be originating from any of these structures. This is why ankle pain has plenty of causes.

The painful condition can stem from an underlying disease such as arthritis or due to poor choice of footwear. Most commonly, the precipitating cause is excessive, repetitive, and improper use of muscles and ligaments. A sudden increase in the quantity, quality, and time of exercise comes under improper use. In such cases, the body can not adapt which leads to injury. Skipping warm-up exercises and stretching exercises can also result in injury due to the same reason of the body not being adequately prepared.

Along with pain, the other symptoms are swelling, stiffness of ankle joint and consequently restricted movement, redness, warmth, and tenderness. Although the pain can vary from person to person, there are a few conditions that cause sharp, transient pain.

These Include:


Unfortunately, a sharp pain usually indicates the rupture/tear of a ligament or tendon. It can be a constant pain or can become transient with the formation of scar tissue i.e. your body’s natural response to injury. Neglecting this pain can be quite harmful and you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Depending upon the damage, a treatment plan can be formed. A torn ligament may need surgical repair. Luckily, a pain management clinic Orthocure can help relieve pain and fix partial tears non-surgically. They make use of PRP injections and stem cell therapies to heal your injury. All their procedures require no hospitalizations. Post-procedural physiotherapy is recommended to all patients to strengthen their muscles and prevent any future damage.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia. It is one of the commonest orthopedic complaints. It causes a sharp stabbing pain in the heel. The pain is usually noticeable in the mornings and gets better with movement. However, it worsens after exercise, not while performing any physical therapy.

The pain can be managed with painkillers such as over-the-counter NSAIDs. Physiotherapy is highly advantageous for patients with plantar fasciitis and can effectively get rid of the pain. Other self-care measures like RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) therapy are beneficial in most cases, making the pain tolerable.

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

When a nerve of the foot called the posterior tibial nerve gets compressed in the tarsal tunnel formed by the bones and ligaments of the ankle, it causes pain. A person with tarsal tunnel syndrome feels a sharp shooting pain. Other symptoms such as numbness and tingling of the foot can also be present.

Along with the conservative treatment in the form of immobilization, pain medications, assistive devices like braces and shoe inserts can also be used. These are specially used in cases of flat feet and help in reducing the pressure on the foot. Sometimes a surgical procedure is equipped for the release of the nerve. Seeking treatment should always be a priority in tarsal tunnel syndrome, as it can lead to permanent nerve damage if left untreated.


Most causes of foot and ankle pain are easily treatable provided that the treatment is sought. Once you know the cause of your ankle pain, with the help of professionals, you can overcome it with ease and enjoy your favorite sports again. Ignoring your pain may lead to complicated outcomes which may not be easily treated. Hence, ankle pain treatment should be taken seriously and should not be neglected.

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