Adipose Derived Cell Therapy For Pain Alleviation And Better Life

Let our experts at Ortho Remedy explain to you what adipose derived cell therapy is and why it is becoming one of the most effective regenerative treatments to help decrease pain and give you better mobility and flexibility.

What Is Adipose Derived Cell Therapy?

Adipose Derived Cell (ADSC) Therapy is an alternative treatment that utilises the reparative cells in fatty molecules to offer structural strength to the body’s tissues. Fat comprises a range of cells, such as adipocytes, pericytes, and mesenchymal cells, which, when used in orthopaedic medicine, can establish an ecosystem that assists in the healing, restoration, regeneration, and maintenance of damaged or wounded tissues. A Lipogems injection, due to its fatty nature, tends to stay in the afflicted region, helping your body to optimise the advantages of the reparative cells without being taken up by the body.

This easy, minimally invasive treatment removes a tiny portion of fat, which is then handled in a sterile saline solution in a special Lipogems device. The fat is then reduced into tiny pieces, which removes the blood, inflammatory cells, and fatty oils, leaving just the desired, potent fat. Lipogems are the tissues that form as a result of this process. Your doctor will then inject the Lipogems tissue into the treatment site with a small needle. Contact us today at Ortho Remedy to know more about this amazing treatment.

Conditions Treated By Adipose Derived Cell Therapy?

The capacity of adipose mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to develop into other mesenchymal cells, such as osteoblasts (bone cells), myocytes (muscle cells), adipocytes (fat cells), and chondrocytes (cartilage cells and other cells), has been demonstrated. Fat-derived stem cells are often employed in regenerative medicine due to their extensive availability. Multipotent, undifferentiated, and self-renewing adipose-derived stem cells resemble other MSCs in both morphology and phenotype.


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Many studies believe that adipose cells are preferable than bone marrow-derived stem cells since they are obtained in a less invasive process and their proliferation potential does not wane with age.

Here are the following conditions which were successfully treated using adipose derived cell therapy:

Adipose derived therapy can help you live the life you wanted: pain free and flexible

ADSCs are used in several regenerative medicine therapy. They have the capacity to separate into a variety of cell lineages. Furthermore, they release growth factors, mediators, and chemokines, making them therapeutically appealing. ADSCs exhibit immunomodulatory, anti-scarring, and pro – angiogenic properties, making them ideal options for stem cell therapy treatments. Contact us today and know how this regenerative treatment can help you live a better life.

Why Is This An Effective Regenerative Treatment?

For a variety of reasons, adipose-derived stem cells are attractive for use in regenerative treatments. These are some examples:

What Happens Throughout The Adipose Derived Cell Therapy?

Adipose Stem Cell Therapy is popular among both patients and doctors since the harvesting of the cells is simpler and less painful than other procedures. Furthermore, because adipose cells produce more mesenchymal stem cells, extracting stem cells from fat cells results in a larger concentration of regenerative cells for your therapy. Your doctor will extract a sample of fat tissue from your waist (muffin top area) or stomach area using a topical anaesthesia. This procedure is normally painless; however, some individuals report some discomfort when the anaesthesia is delivered. After collecting the cells, the specimen is analysed in a lab to isolate the stem cells.

The separated ADSCs are mixed with your platelet rich plasma (PRP) and reintroduced into your body. This minimally invasive surgery may be done in one day, providing patients with an effective therapy with minimum disruption to their daily lives. Many patients can return to work the same or following day after treatment. When compared to other treatments, extracting adipose cells is a totally painless operation that delivers patients the benefits they need quicker. Contact us today to book an appointment

What Is Adipose Derived Cell Treatment Used For?

When adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) are injected into a damaged location, the body’s inflammation is triggered, and the effort to repair and replace the damaged tissue starts. These cells integrate into the injured area and instantly begin to enhance the tissue’s integrity and lessen any discomfort produced by the injury. Here are some conditions that can be easily treated with this treatment:

Wounds that are and cannot be surgically closed can heal quicker and faster with regenerative treatments like adipose derived stem cell therapy. These wound defects are usually left open when there is a danger of an infection occurring or a pus build up which can lead to numerous problems. These wounds might take up to 6 weeks to properly heal and allow you to get back to your daily activities. In this case, this treatment can help heal the wound faster and safer.

The most prevalent kind of arthritis is degenerative joint or bone disease, often known as osteoarthritis. While this ailment can damage any joint, it most commonly affects the hands, knees, hips, and spine. This illness is widespread because joint wear and strain can cause cartilage to break down over time. This may happen to anybody, although it is more common among elderly people. Because of cartilage degradation, bones lose their cushioning.

They are therefore at risk of grinding against one other inside the joint. Therefore, the joint region becomes swollen and painful, limiting movement. Furthermore, bone spurs, or bone fragments, may grow surrounding the joint. As arthritis progresses, ligaments and muscles may become weaker and stiffer. This kind of disease can also be healed with adipose derived cell therapy.

Neurodegenerative diseases are a group of ailments caused by gradual destruction to cells and nervous system linkages that are necessary for movement, balance, endurance, sensitivity, and cognition. Millions of individuals worldwide are affected by neurodegenerative disorders. Although most of these complicated neurological disorders do not have a definitive cure, Regenecare provides comprehensive, tailored treatment to assist patients manage them.

We are deeply engaged in cutting-edge research and technology in order to provide treatments and rehabilitation programs that reduce symptoms, promote mobility, and improve the quality of life of patients and relatives suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other cognitive disorders.

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The Advantages Of Adipose Derived Cell Therapy:

Adipose derived call therapy has numerous advantages. Some of the most promising are as following:

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Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Therapy is a targeted therapy that harnesses the inherent regenerating capabilities of stem cells in our bodies to obtain maximum therapeutic results. Contact us today to book an appointment now.

Get In Touch

Imagine the possibility where you don't need pain medication or the need for a medical operation can be sustained or eliminated. There are now therapies available that may increase your body's natural ability to repair thanks to modern regenerative medicine technology. If you want to learn more about it, please contact us right now.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Adipose Derived Cell (ADSC) Therapy is an alternative treatment that utilises the reparative cells in fatty molecules to offer structural strength to the body’s tissues. Fat comprises a range of cells, such as adipocytes, pericytes, and mesenchymal cells, which, when used in orthopaedic medicine, can establish an ecosystem that assists in the healing, restoration, regeneration, and maintenance of damaged or wounded tissues.

Through the production of a number of paracrine factors and extracellular vesicles, adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) can retain self-renewal and improved multi differentiation capacity, enabling them to heal injured tissues and organs

Subcutaneous adipose tissue is the most therapeutically significant kind of adipose tissue. ASCs may be extracted from the belly, thigh, and arm subcutaneous fat tissue using a small needle and then concentrating and separating them in a laboratory to use. ASCs might possibly be separated in large quantities since adipose tissue is prevalent in the human body.

There is evidence that stem cell therapies operate by stimulating the body’s injured tissue to mend themselves. The adoption of stem cell therapies has grown dramatically as a result of its great efficacy and success rates of up to 80%. It is a contemporary form of regenerative medicine that employs a distinct biological component known as stem cells.

Get in Touch

Imagine the possibility where you don’t need pain medication or the need for a medical operation can be sustained or eliminated. There are now therapies available that may increase your body’s natural ability to repair thanks to modern regenerative medicine technology. If you want to learn more about it, please contact us right now.

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